Seylah Love Presents:
Raw Talk 4 the Soul Podcast
R.A.W stands for Real Authentic Words of Love and Truth. This wellness podcast is about prioritizing our healing, evolution and growth on all levels. Raw Talk 4 the Soul is here to be a sacred space where we open the floor for all to have those raw, real and vulnerable conversations about what we experience and face on our healing/spiritual journeys. We will talk about a range of topics surrounding self/soul care, personal development; mental, spiritual, emotional health, wellness and so much more!
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Raw Talk Interlude
Raw Talk Interlude
Choose to direct your life today; Right now in this very moment and everyday moving forward. Live for you and only you and in a way that makes your heart and soul feel most alive and free. Sometimes we get lost in the projections and/or expectations of others that we forget too actually LIVE and be present. We forget the importance of showing up and existing in ways that make us feel whole and full. This is a gentle reminder that you are a powerful sovereign and autonomous being with the power to mold your world and reality in any way you desire. Embrace that power and chose to create a reality that nurtures, feeds and sustains your mind, body, and soul in every way. When it is all said and done, we as individuals are the only ones who have to look back on everything our lives were and only do we have to answer for and sit with it all. No one wants to look back and feel haunted by the truth that they lived a life that wasn’t their own, but rather a compilation of them living and abiding by everyone else’s opinions, influence, expectations and projections. No one should have to look back on their life and be filled with regrets or too many should’ve, could’ve, would'ves. Thats not what we have been given the gift of life for. We’ve been given it to make it our own. To fill our souls with memories and experiences that will stay with us forever, that will stick with us as we traverse across all of time and space again and again. Remember and reclaim your own dreams, passions and wishes. They deserve to see the light of day and to not only breathe but flourish in the world of your making. You deserve to be everything you could ever imagine and in order to become that, you need to be the director of your own movie. Of your own Life. There is so much we can do, create and take form of so why do we limit and confine ourselves to other people’s dreams, desires and projections? We innately have so much to offer and share with the world, but we must first allow ourselves to believe that we are capable of being what we need to be and doing what we need to do for ourselves in order to see it all through. You don’t need anyone to be in the driver’s seat of your own life. You just need you and the Divine. You don’t need anyone to tell you who, what or how to be. You just need to stay true to your creator, to yourself and follow the voice of your soul. You just have to take the time to journey within to tap into and receive the divine wisdom and guidance that is already within you waiting to serve and guide you. Don’t allow anyone to control you or direct your life. Don’t allow anyone to take your voice and dreams away. Don’t allow anyone to tell you what you can and cannot do. Call your power back, stand in it, express it and use it DIRECT YOUR MOVIE! Allow yourself that freedom! Set yourself free and liberate your mind, body and soul! Indulge in your free will and live life as passionately and wholly as you can. Will you be the star in your own movie or will you be a background character in your own debut? It’s up to you.